Pentecost Vision Leaving Lockdown

Welcome to our second series of resources, created to support your journey through the Christian year and also to help us all reflect on where we are going as we hopefully emerge from lockdown.

In the Bible’s New Testament, we see the followers of Jesus locked down in an upper room, their movement in tatters and their confidence low.  The risen Jesus comes to them, bringing peace and hope for the future.  Not long after he ascends to heaven and the gift of the Holy Spirit is given to enable them to go forward, loving and serving the world. This moment is call Pentecost – the birth of the church and there are many parallels to today as this small, faithful band emerged from lockdown bringing the Good News of Jesus to the world.

I wonder, what have we learnt in this past year – about ourselves, society and the church?  Where have we seen God at work and how might we all be different because of this experience?  How will church be different as we emerge from this lockdown experience?

These resources include worship services, a panel discussion and personal reflections on leaving lockdown.  We hope you may be blessed by them and if you want to know more about the Christian faith please go to this page:

Ascension Service Pentecost Service
Panel Discussion Personal Reflections